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There was a strong effort at the beginning of 2023 to legalize Georgia sports betting, but multiple bills were panned in March and a last ditch effort to revive a sports betting bill was unsuccessful. The 2023 legislative session wrapped up months ago, and the future of Georgia online sports betting is as unclear as it was at the beginning of the year. And with legal sports betting still growing across the country, Georgia sports fans should know how legal sports betting works even though it hasn't been legalized in their state yet. Now is the perfect time to brush up on sports betting terminology with this helpful guide from SportsLine so you can wager like a pro if Georgia legalizes online sports betting. If Atlanta is listed as a -200 favorite against Milwaukee, you would need to bet $200 to return $100 on Atlanta to win. Player Prop: The widely-popular prop bet lets you wager on outcomes other than the final score of a game, and a player prop focuses on individual player performance. Sportsbooks will set a projected final total, and you wager you think the final stat will fall over or under that projection. Plus, you'll get access to a team of over 40 experts. high quality imitation bagsmarni trunk bag replica

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