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Adventurer Bookmark Subscribe Permalink CAN'T MAKE ANY MONEY SELLING HERE ON EBAY BUT I CAN BUY STUFF DIRT CHEAP AND SELL ON OTHER SITES. BEING ABLE TO BUY DIRT CHEAP IS THE PROBLEM HERE ON EBAY AS SELLERS HAVE TO SELL DIRT CHEAP TO SELL BUT ALSO HAVE TO PAY UP TO 10% TO SELL COINS ALONG WITH THE 3% PAYPAL FEES AND EVEN OFFER FREE SHIPPING. I BUY FOR ALMOST NOTHING, GET FREE SHIPPING AND GET ITEMS ALMOST 75% OFF FROM ANYWHERE ELSE AND THAT LEAVES ME A LOT OF ROOM TO SELL IN PUBLIC AND ONLINE AS THE OTHER ONLINE SITES I PAY 2% TO SELL AND ITEMS SELL FOR IN MOST CASES 3-5 TIMES WHAT I PAID FOR THEM. SO WHILE I CAN'T SELL ON EBAY AND MAKE MONEY I CAN CONTINUE TO BUY DIRT CHEAP AND MAKE A FORTUNE ON OTHER SITES! I CAN'T BELIEVE I CANBUY A 90% SILVER QUARTER HERE ON EBAY FOR $2.65 AND GET FREE SHIPPING?????? I BUY AS MUCH AS I CAN! 90% SILVER DOLLARS FOR $15.50 AND 90% SILVER HALF DOLLARS FOR $4.85!!!!!!! THESE ARE CRAZY STUPID PRICES AND ALMOST ALL OFFER FREE SHIPPING AND I PAY NO FEES AND THE BEST THING IS I ALSO GET EBAY BUCKS FOR BUYING HERE ON EBAY! WHAT!!!! EBAY BUCKS! YES, I GET PAID TO BUY AND THAT MEANS FREE ITEMS!!!!!!!!!!!! NO PROFIT TO BE MADE HERE BUT AS LONG AS SELLERS GIVE STUFF AWAY I WILL MAKE SURE I BUY! MOST SELLERS SEEM TO BE UNAWARE THAT THEY ARE NOT MAKING MONEY OR NOT MAKING MUCH MONEY! THEIR LOSS AND MY GAIN!!!! -Maybe I've just a different way of looking at things because I wasn't around during the "Golden Age of eBay" when (to hear some tell it) apparently you could scrape dog poo off the sidewalk & sell it here for huge $$ I came in not as tempted to try to walk forward here with my head rammed up my past. -I see eBay as a tool like a hammer or screwdriver to be used without attaching emotion to it... Sure I wish eBay was designed just for Bob...but it isn't & pretending otherwise is counterproductive to me and anything I want to accomplish here. -Maybe not your 1st choice of how you'd like today's eBay to be... but you're adapting & changing & apparently still thriving where a lot can't or won't so celebrate that...just my opinion. camera bag cyber mondayclassic flap chanel bag

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