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Info-graphic of first of last paycheck Photo: When Do You Get Paid After Starting a Job? Most employers pay their employees on a weekly or biweekly (every other week) basis. Some employers pay monthly; other employers pay on set dates, for example, on the 1st and 15th of every month. You may be paid:1 Weekly: Paid every week on a scheduled day of the week. (Example: payday is every Friday) In Arizona, payday must be two or more days in a month, not more than 16 days apart. Some states require weekly or biweekly pay, while others permit monthly pay schedules.2 When you resign or are terminated from a job, one of the first questions you may have is, "When will I get my final paycheck?" The answer is that it depends. When you receive your final paycheck depends on state law and on company policy. There is no federal law requiring employers to pay you on the last day worked.3 However, some states may require that you be paid right away or within a certain time period after employment ends.4 If you are laid off or fired from your job, in many cases, your employer will have your final paycheck ready for you at the time you're fired. However, that isn't guaranteed. high quality imitation bagsbag replica

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