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Why Amazon Can't Really Track Fake Reviews Want To NOT get Banned from Amazon? So first up, everything in this article is against Amazon's T&Cs. If you want to go exactly by the book, this post is not for you. Even sales that are 20% discounted where the individual leaves a review are seen as dodgy nowadays! That means you cannot really offer discounts in return for reviews anymore. BUT, if you send the money to an individual outside of Amazon, or even just state you will help them out later down the line, that is the best way. For example, send money for the product through PayPal, or just buy someone a beer next time you see them. Remember we do NOT advocate this. We are just stating that there is no way to spot fake Amazon reviews. Even if they flag your account as suspicious and check for fake Amazon reviews, there is no possible proof of what is happening. As a result, you "should not" have any action taken against your account. At worst you will lose the reviews that were posted! Unfortunately Amazon often removes perfectly legitimate reviews, so this is going to be a potential risk regardless, a fact that only further proves our point – they generally don't have a clue. Amazon has "banned" these types of reviews. But in essence, there is no way they can be tracked. If all IP addresses that left reviews come from the same city, then this might be a slight red flag. However, assuming you have friends and families who have had Amazon accounts for years, in different locations all over the UK and the ONLY similarity is that they know you. Do you think Amazon knows this and can detect fake Amazon reviews submitted in this manner? Or even cares? The answer is obviously no. As a result, this cannot be traced or tracked. One element you should remember is the IP address of individuals that purchase multiple products and review them. If this becomes too obvious they are only purchasing these products from one company and reviewing 5 stars every time, that is going to be a red flag. Just be careful, keep your reviewers spread out and ensure they never tell Amazon it was a paid review! If you want more ideas and techniques check out our site, or the full how to launch an Amazon business guide. View our client case studies to see how we've used our Amazon marketing & SEO strategies to help over 100 sellers earn more through Amazon. We can provide low cost, reliable and explosive ranking increases, bringing in profits you never thought possible! high quality imitation bagschanel 1-1 fake bags

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