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What is the spread in sports betting? For example, the Colts are a -3 point favorite against the Texans. If these teams were widely considered equal and bookmakers put the spread at -10, they wouldn't get equal money as Texans +10 would likely be pounded by bettors. That means whether you bet the Colts -3 or Texans +3, you'll win the same amount of money if you win the bet. If you like the Colts to win but think three points is a tricky number, a moneyline bet could be made on the winning team with no points in the equation. In a spread bet, even if the Texans won straight up, you'd still only win the bet because they lost by less than three points. Use the BetMGM Ohio bonus code to get started. Read More Sports Betting Q&As high quality imitation bagslouis vuitton bag replica

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Since a Supreme Court ruling in 2018, 30 states and DC now offer some form of sports gambling. Three more states have legalized sports wagering but have not yet launched, and Florida's status is in limbo. That leaves 16 states with no form of sports gambling. Morning Brew Insider recommends waking up with, a daily newsletter. Of those, 21 states and DC offer both in-person (retail) and online gambling; two states offer only online wagering; and in eight states, bets can only be placed in person, typically at a casino or racetrack. In addition, three more states have legalized sports gambling but have yet to launch any in-person or online platforms. States with legal mobile betting States with legal in-person (retail) betting high quality imitation bagsbest place to buy replica designer bags

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