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More Action Needed to Combat Fake Online Reviews, New Report Finds WASHINGTON-Fraudulent online reviews, which deceive consumers and damage companies' reputations, are a significant problem. While the public and private sector have taken some steps to address the proliferation of fake reviews, a new report from the Center for Data Innovation concludes that state and federal governments should strengthen their enforcement actions, partner with the private sector to develop best practices, and pass legislation to protect consumers from lawsuits when they leave honest reviews. Previous research has found that the negative impact of fake reviews has grown over the years, likely influencing billions of dollars in consumer spending. The Center's new report breaks down the types of fake reviews that proliferate as well as other sources of misrepresentation that impact the online marketplace, including the suppression of negative reviews, lawsuits over negative reviews, the harassment of customers, and payments to silence critics. The Center calls on policymakers to take four steps to address fake reviews: The FTC and state attorneys general should combine their investigations and heighten enforcement actions against the actors pursuing or posting fraudulent reviews. The FTC should work with review websites, e-commerce sites, and consumer brands to develop best practices for preventing and detecting fake reviews. "Fake reviews can deceive consumers and inaccurately reflect the quality of businesses' goods and services," said Stevens. "To protect both consumers and businesses, state and federal policymakers should work with the private sector to identify and take enforcement actions against perpetrators of fake reviews and safeguard consumers' ability to provide truthful feedback about their purchases." Read the report. high quality imitation bagsburberry clearance bag

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