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Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads Facebook staff members on Wednesday briefed the Senate and House intelligence committees, which are investigating the Russian intervention in the American election. Mr. Stamos indicated that Facebook is also cooperating with investigators for Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, writing that "we have shared our findings with U.S. authorities investigating these issues, and we will continue to work with them as necessary." The report also found that hundreds of Russian "trolls," or paid social media users, had posted anti-Clinton messages. But it did not name Facebook or address the question of advertising. The January intelligence report said the "likely financier" of the Internet Research Agency was "a close Putin ally with ties to Russian intelligence." The company, profiled by The New York Times Magazine in 2015, is in St. Petersburg and uses its small army of trolls to put out messages supportive of Russian government policy. Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said in a telephone interview that the Facebook disclosure "certainly quantifies the Russian use of at least one social media platform with a level of granularity that we did not have before." He said the committee has been in touch with Facebook for some time, adding, "I don't think this is the last word on the matter by Facebook or in terms of our investigation on the social media issue." After initially denying that fake news on the service had any influence on the election, Facebook's chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, has gradually come around to the notion that the company must do more. Facebook has implemented a series of steps to combat fake content, including recruiting outside reviewers to check out and flag dubious articles. The audience for an ad can be chosen using broad factors, such as middle-aged American men, or very specific ones, such as mothers who live in Minneapolis and like churches and the Minnesota Twins. One question underlying the investigation of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia is whether Russia-sponsored operators would have needed any guidance from American political experts. Facebook said that some of the ads linked to Russian accounts had targeted particular geographic areas, which may raise questions about whether anyone had helped direct such targeting. high quality imitation bagschanel 1-1 fake bags

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