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FreeTime 2 Amazon's FreeTime is a subscription that gives kids access to a collection of over 10,000 movies, apps, games, books, and audiobooks from trusted sources. One of the reasons I'm quick to recommend the Kids Edition versions of Amazon's Kindle, Fire Tablet, and Echo Dot is because they're bundled with a year of access to Amazon FreeTime. FreeTime is a subscription that allows kids from age three to 12 access to tens of thousands of age-appropriate apps, games, books, audiobooks, movies, and TV shows. And this content doesn't come from random sources - it's from trusted names like Nickelodeon, Disney, PBS Kids, Sesame Street, and Cartoon Network. Although it's bundled with Amazon's kid-friendly tech, the great thing about FreeTime it's also available as an app or skill that you can install on an iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet, and regular Fire Tablet, Echo Dot, or Kindle. A single subscription will work across all devices, so you only have to pay for one subscription to access FreeTime everywhere. A subscription usually costs $4.99 per month for one child ($2.99 for Prime members) and $9.99 per month for a family account ($6.99 for Prime members), but you can get a three-month pre-paid subscription for $2.99 until December 1. This lets them feel free to explore the apps, games, and other media that they're really interested in, without feeling a parent hovering over their shoulder. FreeTime's parental controls are so good that they make other tech companies, including Apple and Google, seem years behind. If you're a parent who's about to give your kid their first gadget, this three-month deal on FreeTime is the best $3 you can spend. Your kid gets access to a collection of over 10,000 movies, tv shows, books, audio books, apps, and games, and you get the peace of mind to let them enjoy it all without being worried about what they're doing. high quality imitation bagsblack prada bag replica

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