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The thesis consists of two main parts. The second part describes the football forecasting models. The statistical modelling part discusses forecasting models based on a new generation of counting process with exible inter-arrival time distributions. The proposed algorithms are implemented in a contributed R package Countr available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network. One of these exible count distributions, the Weibull count distribution, was used to derive our rst forecasting model. Its predictive ability is compared to the models previously suggested in the literature and tested in an algorithmic trading (betting) strategy. For this model we make heavy use of the data on the players' attributes discussed in the data part of the thesis. Not only does this model turn out to have a higher predictive power but it also allows us to answer important questions about the `nature of the game' such as the contribution of the full-backs to the attacking e orts or where would a new team nish in the Premier League. high quality imitation bagsbest replica louis vuitton bags

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