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After terminating a program to pay creators, Meta says it's expanding tests to compensate creators on Facebook Reels The company first announced that they would be conducting tests to pay Facebook Reels creators in February of 2022. At that time, the payouts were based on advertising revenue share (like YouTube's), along with direct contributions from fans to creators. Today's announcement marks a departure from that test model, as the company is now experimenting with payouts that are based on performance of Reels that are surrounded by ads, rather than the ads' performance. To be eligible to participate, creators must be over 18, based in specific countries, and in compliance with Facebook's partner and content monetization policies. The opportunity is invite only. Meta's new ad testing program is mostly focused on Facebook Reels creators. For Instagram, the company will tap a "small group of creators and advertisers in select markets" to begin testing a "similar performance-based payout model." Despite these new changes, platform payouts to creators have historically been small, and the vast majority of full-time creators rely on brand deals, consulting and entrepreneurship to stay afloat. Meta's new expanded test is very similar to its previous official model for paying creators, the Reel Play bonus program, which launched in 2021 and rewarded them for views on their Facebook and Instagram content. But many creators reported confusion on how to qualify and the structure dictating their payments, with a fairly high maximum payment of $35,000 per month. It had mixed results. Some creators found they could hack the algorithm, going viral by posting simple face filter videos and hitting the monthly maximum payout of $35,000, The New Yorker reported. "The program wouldn't last forever, we knew that, but the fact that I'm taking an almost $100,000-a-year pay cut with only a few days notice is dirty," Azure MacCannell, a full-time video creator, texted Fortune at the time. "The Meta reps just keep saying to use the tools given (stars, subscriptions, etc.) which are basically just begging followers for money, making Meta money in the process." Last week, Meta's IAB Newfront presentation-their annual show-and-tell to inspire marketing executives to advertise with the company-was predominantly focused on Reels and creators. "We are big, big fans of creators," said Meta's global business group head Nicola Mendelsohn in her keynote presentation on Reels, adding that 80% of the company's investments in 2023 have focused on improving core apps and services for "people, creators and businesses alike." "Looking forward to a day when creators aren't taken advantage of!" high quality imitation bagsgucci crossbody bags cheap

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