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What can you do about fake Amazon reviews? Former Amazonian and founder of ecommerceChris Chris McCabe explains in this article. Whether it's inserts that another seller added inside their product packaging, illicit "manychat" bots pushing buyers to leave good reviews after receiving a free product, or 100% rebates AFTER a positive review has been left, Amazon hungers for information that will help it track down and punish this type of fraud. The longer it takes Amazon to identify and delete fake reviews, while simultaneously punishing the sellers and services behind them, the worse the abuse gets. I've come up with good initial steps for you to follow to report fake Amazon reviews, but keep this caveat in mind. If Amazon ignores you, you should be prepared to take it further. The problem could worsen and giving up early means you've allowed it to fester as the fake positives pile up. If you wait and report them later on, Amazon won't be as likely to delete those 5 stars you hate looking at. Not sure where to begin? Start with their suggested path: a Seller Support case or an email into product review abuse queues. I know what you're yelling right now, "I've done that! Nothing happens! It does no good..." and believe me, I know. Support reps often send you to basic channels knowing that your review abuse report simply goes there to die. They pretend that they helped you. This may be the easiest thing you'll ever need to do as part of reporting fake product reviews on Amazon (or in reporting ANYTHING ugly on Amazon). Amazon enforcement of non-compliant inserts in FBA product packaging is at an all-time high right now. Take that seriously, because it may not last! 3) If No Action is Taken, Report it to PRA Teams Directly If the seller continues to pile up fake reviews, report this to PRA teams directly. Mention the teams by name that you already reported to and describe how long it's been since you did so with no sign of action. Support cases, emails into queues, emails, or calls to other teams resulted in nothing so far, and you reported abuse! They swept it all to the side, transferred it, or maybe forgot about it, but now it's time to go to other teams to complain about how performance and policy teams ignored your report. This article coincides with an interview we recently recorded with Chris. Watch the video below to hear more insider info about this ongoing problem on the Amazon marketplace. high quality imitation bagsluxury designer bags replica

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