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Blackjack is a card game that pits player versus dealer. Cards are counted as their respective numbers, face cards as ten, and ace as either eleven or one (in our game it will show on the counter as an 11 unless you are over 21). The object of Blackjack is the beat the dealer. You must then decide if you will "hit" (take another card from the deck), "stay" (keep the hand you are dealt), or "double" (you double your bet and are given only one more card). First you can win (as previously described), secondly you can lose (bust hand or have less than dealer hand), or you can push (have same hand - number count or Blackjack - as dealer). Keep playing 247 Blackjack until your money is all gone - then restart! No need to wait additional time for more chips! If you are on a streak and need to leave your computer, no worries! Your fabulous money pile will be kept until you return! Just be sure to Resume your game when asked! As you win money watch your chips grow in denominations! Your highest money count will always be kept as your high record too, just so you always have something to strive for! And heads up card readers! Just like in the casinos, the cards will automatically shuffle when you get down to half left, so it'll be a bit harder to read what will be coming out next. We know you're going to LOVE 247 Blackjack so just give it a go! Have a great time using your skills and a little good luck to enjoy the best Blackjack game around! high quality imitation bagscheap prada bags for sale

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