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The Best Ebook Readers I dearly love a paperback book that I can bend, touch, smell, and display on my bookshelf when I'm done. But there's no doubt that ebook readers (also called e-readers) make life easier-they might just make you read more too. E-readers let you carry thousands of books or dozens of audiobooks in a single, slim, rectangular tablet; they have paperlike screens that are easy on the eyes; and they won't inundate you with distracting notifications. Books can also be expensive and take up a lot of physical space, but that's not a problem with ebooks. Even better, you can check out digital books from a library without leaving your house. Naturally, when you hear "e-reader," you might think Kindle. Amazon makes the best ebook reader, which is why we have a separate Best Kindles guide that breaks down the entire lineup. But there are a few Kindle alternatives out there in case you don't want to support Amazon or you just want a different set of features. WIRED's Gear team has spent months, if not years, reading on these tablets-these are our favorites. Updated January 2023: We've added the Kindle Scribe as an option if you also need to take notes, and we've added more about kid-specific options from Amazon. Special offer for Gear readers: Get a 1-year subscription to WIRED for $5 ($25 off). This includes unlimited access to WIRED.com and our print magazine (if you'd like). Subscriptions help fund the work we do every day. high quality imitation bagsburberry bag outlet

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