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While Amazon offers slightly above average pay for almost every level of its company, is the pay worth it for its workers? After working at an Amazon warehouse myself for about four weeks, I spoke to multiple current or former Amazon warehouse workers - the majority of which are college students - to answer that question. I also spoke to a former Amazon programmer for comparison. "I literally got so mad that I just left because I was so done," Elianna said. According to Rose, Amazon specifically overworks their employees to an extremely unhealthy point and other workers agreed with this. "Every single one of them looked like they wanted to die," a former Tracy warehouse worker and SJDC student said. "Everyone I know that works there is either an alcoholic, depressed or a drug addict," Rose said. "I don't think this is a common thing among other warehouses. I think it's just with Amazon because they make us work 10-hour shifts and 12-hour overtime days." "For how hard we work, that stuff in the breakroom should've been free or cost a lot less," Eliana said. "They were overpriced. With the painkiller vending machines, I don't know how I feel about that because Amazon doesn't really check if they're hiring drug addicts and that could be enabling them." The views and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of The Daily Aztec. high quality imitation bagschanel bags cyber monday

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